Math Drama Lessons

We adapted some verbal improv games to help students express math concepts with their bodies. We also wanted to reduce math anxiety and get the class collaborating on problem solving.

For the original improv games, see “Hitchhiker” (here andhere) and “Story, Story“.

These games work best if the teacher is very enthusiastic in the role of MC. As students learn the “scene”, individual students can take over that role with guidance. Don’t hesitate to add a prop (a “mic”, a plastic party top hat . . .). If you try these, let us know how they go!

Simplifying Fractions

1. Simplifying an Improper Fraction to a Mixed Number:

Identifying improper fractions:

Create papers with large digits from 1-9 and distribute one paper to each student in the class. (Some games may need zeros as well.)
Create a large empty playing area with a sturdy chair upstage center.
Students, holding and displaying their “digit” papers, stand in a semi-circle facing the chair.

Teacher or student MC: “Will the first contestant please come up?” (or some such dramatic statement)

The first 2 students in the semi circle create a human fraction: one student holding a digit stands on the chair while another student holding a digit stands or sits on the floor in front.

MC dramatically pronounces fractions improper or proper – or takes votes from the “audience” (students in the semi-circle). When the fraction has been judged, MC calls “Next”

The numerator goes back to the semi-circle, the denominator moves to numerator spot, and a new student takes the denominator spot (Students go up in the order they are standing in the semi-circle). Two digits can combine to make a 2-digit number, if the teacher so directs.

Reducing to a whole or mixed number:

Now, once a fraction has been judged to be improper, the MC pronounces the punishment: “You are improper. I sentence you to division.!”

A student forms a division symbol by bending at the waist. The numerator crawls under the symbol, and the denominator goes and stands to stage right (actor’s right) of the symbol – still displaying papers, of course.

MC: Numerator, what is your new name?

Former numerator: Dividend.

MC: And denominator, what shall be your new name?

Former denominator: Divisor.

MC: Very good. (to semi-circle of numbers) And who shall you choose as your new quotient?

Students choose a quotient, who goes up and stands behind (and above) the division symbol. They go to the board if necessary, to work out this decision.

MC: Fellow digits, do you approve of this quotient? Are we all in agreement?

All: Yes! Or No! (they try again until it is right)

MC: And do we have a remainder? (if so, the chosen remainder comes and stands off to the side.)

MC: Mr. Quotient, I pronounce you the new whole number.

All: Yeah! (MC whips up the crowd to applaud.)

MC: And Ms. Remainder, I now pronounce you the new numerator.

All applaud.

MC: And Senor Divisor, you are our new esteemed Denominator.

All applaud.

(Once the teacher has taken the part of the MC and gotten this scene established, s/he could let a student take that part and just stand back and guide the scene. Also, the MC can prompt and let the audience respond: “ I now pronounce you the (audience calls out response)” )

MC: Numbers, assume your new positions! (all assume position beside and/or on the fraction chair to form a mixed number or a whole number.)

All applaud.


Be clear, be confident and don’t overthink it. The beauty of your story is that it’s going to continue to evolve and your site can evolve with it. Your goal should be to make it feel right for right now. Later will take care of itself. It always does.


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